Released in 2001, Startopia transports the player to a galaxy far, far away in the role of a space station administrator tasked with rebuilding a network of space stations following a galaxy spanning war.
Humour - GOOD humour - is hard to get across in entertainment software, but Startopia succeeds in not only being a fun game, but a funny game.
The game is just plain beautiful. It manages to combine a really great cartoony feel with the characters and building design while keeping a very futuristic feel with some really terrific textures that look both high-tech and colorfully playful at the same time.
A game of amazing polish and humor, which translates into pure fun.
Our new Startopia merchandise store is now open featuring a host of out of this world products so you can show your Space sim love wherever you go. From clothing to mouse mats, from travel mugs to face masks. You want it? Arona's got it!
15% off until the 16/08/2020
New to Startopia or still learning the ropes? Then check out Lindsay Fleay's epic strategy guide originally hosted on his old "Real Time Strategy Carnage" website.